Anthony Bright-Paul

Climate for the Layman

Synopsis - 'So-called Greenhouse Gases scatter incoming radiation and allegedly impede or slow down outgoing radiation. In no way though do they make the Earth hotter.

Available to purchase online via Amazon.

Johan Van Dijk, writing as Jan Vivian

In Fields of Gold

Jan Vivian writes romantic fiction or stories that are inspired by an event or a trip that he has been on and that has sparked an idea. 'Together In Another Place' was provoked by a visit to a museum in Amsterdam.

Dr John Symons

Generals Le Marchant and Brock: Exemplary Leaders from the Age of Wellington

'A first-rate and timely reassessment of two of the finest - yet relatively unknown - British generals of the Napoleonic period.' - Saul David Author of Great Military Commanders: Marlborough, Wellington and Slim

Professor John Steer

Venetian Painting: A Concise History

In this lively history of the Venetian school John Steer examines its special qualities and traces its development between the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries.


John Brooke-Little

Royal Heraldry

Old Clayesmorian Heraldry expert John Brooke-Little was a prolific author of heraldry texts.

For a full list of available texts click here.

Colin Jones (51-56) - writing as David Brown

What was the cause of the commotion coming from the little grey cottage at the base of the hill? A passer-by entering the front gate and crossing the lawn to the left hand sitting room window would have witnessed a strange scene within.

Paul Bradbury (85-90)

Life From Death Emerging

What happens when two Christian people with a background of evangelical certainty, imbued with a clear belief in a victorious and ultimately good God, are faced with a situation that suggests only defeat and his absence? This story of a sick child and his relatively young, fragile parents, is woven through with the insights and reflections that a particular journey of faith engendered.

John Petty (48-50)

Portobello Road photographed in the Sixties

This book is a collection of photographs taken over a period of three years during the early Sixties. Visiting Portobello for the first time the photographer, John Petty recognized that here was a rare opportunity to record street life at its most colorful. 

Sir John Buchanan-Jardine

Harehunters All  

Probably the most detailed history of hare hunting packs that has ever been written. A collection of articles on beagle hunting in Britain & America. 

Foreword by Sir John Buchanan-Jardine, colour frontis by Michael Lyne, pen & ink drawings throughout by Jean Walker & others, jacket illus by Basil Blackshaw.

George Brookbank (1937-1942)

"The Desert Gardener's Calendar"

George Brookbank has distilled nearly twenty years' experience—as an extension agent in urban horticulture with the University of Arizona—into a practical book that tells how to avoid problems with desert landscaping before they occur and how to correct those that do.

Geoffrey Boothby

Thirty-odd Feet Below Belgium

This book documents the wartime letters of Geoffrey Boothby (OC) who died at Ypres in 1916. The author contacted Tony Chew, Head of History and Archivist while writing this book & he was able to supply a copy of a letter which Boothby sent to Lex just prior to his early death.

David Koster

Artist, Printmaker and Naturalist

David Koster studied for three years at the Slade School of Art. He is a well-known and extremely accomplished printmaker specialising in natural history subjects. David is a founder member of the Society of Wildlife Artists and has exhibited there regularly for many years as well as at The Royal Academy, London.

Murray Upton

A Rich and Diverse Fauna: History of the Australian National Insect Collection

This volume is the first comprehensive account of the formation of CSIRO Entomology and the Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC) and covers the growth of this national collection over its first 65 years. 

James Morley (1952-1956)

Benham's Sea Mysteries

After a spending forty years in agriculture and forestry, Jim retired from full-time farming to start a career as a writer and journalist. Since then he has contributed to radio and local press articles, written a number of short stories (one of which won and Ottakar prize - "The Decision Wasn't Easy) and four novels - Benham's Sea Mysteries which were published between 2005 and 2008.

George Banks (1963-1966)

Gourmet and Glamour in the Skies - a life in airline catering

Gourmet and glamour in the sky -a life in airline catering has been written to explain the interesting, intricate and unique world of airline catering. It uncovers the unusual problems, procedures and enormous complexity of preparing and supplying airline meals successfully, day in and day out all over the world, of which the average passenger would never be aware. The book contains many pictures of British Caledonian cabin crew, catering staff, food service, cabin shots, aircraft, delivery flights,............ and ground staff covering the period from 1973 to 1988.

Edward Ardizzone

Indian Diary 1952-1953

Ardizzone's illustrated account of his travels in India at the invitation of UNESCO from November 1952-May 1953.

Robert Mash (1952-1958)

How To Keep Dinosaurs

Hollywood and the popular press would have us believe that all dinosaurs are gigantic, hostile and untameable. In fact, there are many species that make charming and even useful companions.

James Sullivan-Tailyour (1974-1978)

Changing The Guard At Buckingham Palace

An authoritative pocket guide written with the full support of the guards who undertake the ceremony written by OC - James Sullivan-Tailyour (1974-1978).

Julian Rathbone

Wellingtons War

Rathbone had a life-long fascination with Wellington which dated back to his school days at Clayesmore. The acclaimed "Wellington's War" is a selection of dispatches and letters, accompanied by his own narrative to present the information in a novelist's style.  

Julian Rathbone was a prolific author of some 38 books including crime stories, mysteries and thrillers, historical novels, science fiction, horror.

Mike Moore (1966-1968)

Wot Pop 50 Years of Hits

An international A-Z of singles and acts from 1952-2002 written by Mike Moore under his stage name of Mike Kelly and published by Southgate.

Humphrey Moore

The Collected Poems of Humphrey Moore with forward by John Bridgen (1953-1958)

Humphrey Moore was, for generations of schoolboys at Clayesmore, the archetype of the public schoolmaster.

"Spud" Talbot Ponsonby (1981 - 1984)

Two feet, four paws: Walking the Coastline of Britain

The author and her dog, Tess, walked the entire coastline of Britain to raise funds for homeless people. This is the story of their epic walk of 4,500 miles.

Small Steps with Heavy Hooves: A Mother's Walk Back to Health in the Highlands - another book by Talbot Ponsonby

Timothy Alletson Saunders (1990-1994)

Hampshire - Living Memories

A collection of archive images showing Hampshire from the mid-Victorian times and depicts the considerable changes it has undergone during the twentieth century.

Keith Mitchell (1936-1940)

The Beautiful Roar - Forays into Amateur Choral Singing

A collection of lively, readable essays on various amateur choral singing written by OC Keith Mitchell.

Illustrated by Alan Peters, Former Head of Art

Dog Sense

Former Head of Art at Clayesmore Alan Peters' beautiful illustrations complement the writing of renowned anthrozoologist Dr John Bradshaw and in Dog Sense he uses the latest scientific research to show how humans can live in harmony with--not just dominion over-- their four-legged friends.  

Flora Scott

And One Ran Away

Flora Scott's account of her work as a matron in a number of prep schools, featuring Clayesmore Prep as her favourite as "the Democratic Prep School in Dorset".




J D Spinney


David Spinney's acclaimed biography of Admiral George Rodney - published in 1969 and described as "definitive" and "first rate" by its first reviewers.




J D Spinney

Clayesmore A School History

A 135 page very readable and illustrated history of Clayesmore written in 1987 by the former history master and housemaster well-known to countless Old Clayesmorians and whose association with the School spanned 40 years. It is the story of Clayesmore from its early beginnings to 1979 and will delight all Clayesmorians both past and present who share the Author's regard for the School.



Desmond Coke - Master 1917-1920 and 1922-1931


Coke wrote a number of books under his own name and that of "Belinda Blinders" while a master at Clayesmore. Youth, youth...! (1919) was dedicated to Lex Devine - recalling how they started corresponding prior to him joining the staff.

Aubrey de Selincourt, Headmaster 1931-1935

One Good Term

Clayesmore's second Headmaster, Aubrey de Sélincourt (7 June 1894 – December 1962) was an English writer, classical scholar and translator.

He is best known for his translations (all for Penguin Classics) of Livy's The Early History of Rome (Books I to V) and The War with Hannibal (Books XXI to XXX), Herodotus's Histories, and Arrian's The Campaigns of Alexander.

Frank Whitbourn 


The former master's biography of the life of Clayesmore's founder, Lex Devine - "a nobody who knew everybody who was anybody".



Ian Collins

John Craxton

This is the first full-scale monograph on British artist John Craxton (1922-2009), a key figure in post-war painting who authorised this publication shortly before his death.   

J Mordaunt Crook

The Rise of the Nouveaux Riches: Style and Status in Victorian and Edwardian Architecture

Of the house at Iwerne, Crook writes, "Iwerne Minster in Dorset might well be labelled Tudor Gothic but designed by Waterhouse in 1877-82 for George Grenfell Glynn, 2nd Baron Wolverton, it was in any case only marginally nouveau-riche."

Rachel Dawick - Journeys (2006) 


Former Clayesmore teacher and house tutor, Rachel Dawick released her first album Journeys in 2006 and a second album at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2009, called Ed's Bar and Grill .


Alice Watts

Your World

Former Clayesmore student, Alice Watts (1996-2000) has released her much-anticpated debut album 'Your World'.



Frank Whitbourn


The former master's biography of the life of Clayesmore's founder, Lex Devine - "a nobody who knew everybody who was anybody"